Feng Shui
because people, and the world, need an alternative way to heal and live
Professional Feng Shui Educator, Chinese Astrologer and Metaphysician
Tina Falk
Interested in a Feng Shui certification course + want to learn more?
Whether you are seeking to add Feng Shui to your current toolkit, change careers, or just dive in because you know it’s a life changer, this intensive will feed your mind, body, soul and spirit. It’s not about skimming the surface of Feng Shui. The power of its true expression is found in the depth of its ancient origins. Its impact is brought to life through simple modern day practices. Come with me on a journey of Feng Shui. Get your Feng Shui certification, become a practitioner and find personal success through my comprehensive live training study program.
Learn Feng Shui:
- 3 Core Concepts (Chi, Yin/Yang, 5 Element Theory)
- Classical Feng Shui (Eight Mansions, Esoteric/ Traditional Cures, proper use of the Compass)
- Chinese Astrology (Chinese Zodiac, Luck Pillars, Eight Mansions/Mingua/Destiny)
- Flying Star Basics (Base Stars, Annual Stars, Afflictions, Cures)
- Form School (Property Analysis and Selection, 4 Celestial Guardians)
- BTB School core basic concepts (Form/Function, 3 Secret Reinforcements, Cures, Intentions)
- Space Clearing (Prayer, Ceremony, Property Blessings)
Delivered through:
• Lecture
• Case Studies
• Hands-on exercise
• Group Discussion
The Feng Shui Certification Course Includes:
- 40+ hours class time (live and pre-recorded video)
- 3-months follow-up mentorship through your field work assignments
- Intro to Feng Shui as a Business: How to Establish and Market Your New Expertise (special guest mentor)
- Certified Feng Shui Practitioner certificate
- 100-page Feng Shui Practitioner’s Resource binder
- Feng Shui Compass Template tool
- Alchemy of Quantum Mind Feng Shui book
- Rituals & Advice from the Chinese Zodiac e-book
- 2023 Water Rabbit Flying Stars Cures Kit
- Four Celestial Creatures Cures Kit
- BONUS: 10-hour Create a Space that Supports and Inspires Online Video Series Access
- Listing on VIA Professionals directory page
- Private Facebook community
- Monthly online gatherings (reviews, classes, check-ins)
- Access to Tina
TINA FALK, BFA, CFSP is a Professional Feng Shui Educator, Consultant and Speaker and the founder of VIA School of Feng Shui. With over 15 years of training and practicing feng shui, she combines her expertise and intuitive perspective to enhance your awareness and appreciation of Self and Space. She believes that being in gratitude, creating conscious intentions, taking action and believing in your own power will propel you into a more meaningful and purposeful life.

Read what former students have to say about their experience . . .
My experience with the VIA Feng Shui certification program was a game changer. I had already been studying western astrology for years. The principles of Feng Shui and Chinese astrology that are taught in the training by Tina Falk are tools that were added to my tool belt—priceless! I am forever changed by Tina and this training in miraculous ways. My astrology readings and practice have reached a new level. Merging the two worlds of western and eastern astrology together like puzzle pieces that I didn’t even know were missing. Thank you Tina! I’m grateful to call you my Feng Shui Master, my Mentor and most importantly, my Friend.
I have been an avid “student” of Feng Shui for over 15 years, learning and using the principles in my own home. I would often share tips I had learned with friends and family. It wasn’t until I certified as a consultant with Tina Falk, Via Feng Shui that I began to believe I could turn my passion into a business! It was because of Tina’s in-depth program, her continued support and encouragement that I gained the confidence to offer my services as a Professional Feng Shui Consultant! Yes, it requires dedication, but it has been an enjoyable journey. I am so grateful to have a mentor who lovingly guides me along my way.
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