Many of us are working from home for the first time, or more than usual, during these extraordinary times. For some of us, part of our job is meeting with clients and co-workers, or maybe you’re a student now doing your classes online, or wanting to continue your yoga practice with your studio in an online group setting. During this Zoom-age, which is an amazing and efficient resource, we need to be mindful of this shared virtual space. 

When we click that video link, connecting to the group, thus inviting that group into our home—our sacred space,—there is a palpable energy shift. It even affects others in the home, right? “Turn the TV down”, “Stay in your rooms”, “Don’t interrupt or disturb your dad while he’s on his call”. Not to mention that these online people can now see into our private spaces! They can see our mess, our style (or lack of), or at least a slight glimpse into our behind the scenes world. Oh dear!

This can feel invasive and create a space for you that maybe doesn’t feel quite right. 

So what can you do about this shift of energies in your home? 

Whether it’s daily client calls, weekly meetings, or a few exercise classes a week, it is worth preparing you and your space on an energetic level before and after each and every call.

Space clearings can be simple and quick, and usually include a bit of ritual to activate your intentions.

First of all, just like any shift, whether you’re walking into the board room for a meeting or the yoga studio for class, there is a physical shift in our being. We may take a deep breath, get there a bit early to acclimate ourselves to the new space and people in it, change clothes or find our favorite seat. 

At home we might skip these rituals and jump right in a call after yelling through the house that you’re jumping on your call now so everybody shut up! Then bam, you open that video link and there’s everybody staring at ya. Agh!!

Here’s a few techniques to help you shift your experience, so you feel prepared entering into this online world and not depleted when you “leave meeting”. These tips can be considered for your children who are in a virtual classroom as well.

First of all, be sure that you are sitting in a power position. Wherever you choose to sit at your computer, or with your laptop, be sure that there is a wall behind you to support you, and that the door to the room is in your peripheral vision, so you can see who’s entering and leaving. Also, consider your background and lighting. Are you lit well? Is the stuff in the frame what you want others to see? What energy are you sharing because that too, will also impact the energy of your Zoom call. 

Second, give yourself time to prepare for the call. Grab a fresh cup of tea or water, change your clothes, run to the restroom, take a deep breath, clean up the space around you, have your notes, paper, books, pen, reading glasses, a tissue, and maybe even a little bottle of aromatherapy close by. 

Now settle into your seat, close your eyes and connect with your breath. Deep belly breaths for you to get grounded so you can be fully present for your call.

Then at the top of a piece of paper, write your intention(s) while you’re on the call. Maybe you’re wanting to support your work team, fully relax into the yogi’s voice for guidance, close the deal, or fully grasp those mathematical concepts. There’s something about putting pen, or pencil, to paper and affirming what you desire to be the outcome.

Take another deep breath, put a smile on your face and click “join meeting”. It’s also good practice to mute your microphone as soon as you enter. 

What about when the call is over? 

They’re still there! They, all 22 other students of your child’s 3rd grade class, or your yoga teacher and those people you don’t really know who always sit in the back of the studio, or your co-workers of all things! They’re energy still lingers.

After your call, and everyone has hung up, there is a vibe in your space that deserves to be tended to. Who knows where or how a meeting ends. Perhaps it got heated, or piddled out due to lack of interest, or the outcome wasn’t how you anticipated. Or even if it was amazing! 

Clear your space. 

Take a deep breath. Give thanks. Reflect on your initial intention, then clear your space. 

Turn on some music, chime a bell, clap your hands, give an audible exhale, open the curtains and window, get up from your seat and step outside for fresh air. Take a short walk. Do something to shift the room that just minutes ago was full of people you just entertained in your sacred space. No different than cleaning up after a party at your house. Are you gonna leave their dirty napkins and dishes laying around until the next party? Probably not.

Maybe you have assignments to complete or work to get to after this call. That’s great—but please clear your space first. Gift yourself a bit of mindfulness and preparedness so you don’t dread the next call…cause you know it’s coming! Repeat the preparedness steps for getting to your day’s work.

If you have any specific questions on how to prepare and clear your space, or want to share what rituals you do, please hit “reply” and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.

Happy Zooming (or whatever platform you use) Everyone!!