In my Content Creation Mastermind group, we had a good discussion the other day on how we each approach these last few months of the year. Not only around our businesses, but also family life. It’s enticing to jump in on the bandwagon and take advantage of Black Friday deals and steals, figure out who’s getting what for gifts and then how to navigate these back-to-back holidays, all along with the feelings of another year gone.

In all honesty, the last few years I’ve finally given in, allowing my social anxiety to take the lead. Nothing stresses this girl out more than obligations and expectations. So instead, I throw my energy into something that truly does make me excited. The anticipation and preparation of all the parts and pieces that I need to pull it together are my happy place.

Due to my interest in Chinese metaphysics and astrology, I would like to offer a unique perspective if I may, as many of you know, the Chinese Lunar New Year is my big celebration of the year.

In preparation for the next Chinese Lunar New Year, in February, let’s take a look at the last 4 months of this Chinese year to see how we might be able to call upon them for support and direction.

10/8 : October is ruled by the Dog. And I’m sure many of us can feel his presence as it really is a good month to slow things down, now that summer is over and we are settling back into school and finding our routines. Dog prefers this sense of security and values home and family most of all. He ushers in feelings of anxiety as we wait for the seasons to shift, wondering what winter will bring. It’s best to focus on taking care of the needs of your physical space, getting it winter-ready, so that you and your beloveds will feel safe and sound when the days grow colder and the nights longer.

11/7 : November is governed by the Pig, the last animal in the Chinese zodiac 12 year cycle—making this the month for completion. And what a lovely way to reflect on the year as we do during our western tradition of giving thanks. ‘Tis the season of pigging out! However, Pig has a tough time knowing when to stop. Be mindful of your indulgences—eating, drinking, shopping, and gossiping—as you are only responsible for you.

12/7 : It’s actually December, believe it or not that gives us a fresh start with Rat, the first animal on the zodiac wheel. He is the initiator and brings about new ideas and ways of doing things. So perhaps we can take advantage of this Rat energy to support us in changing our holiday routine and expectations up a bit! Now don’t let this freak you out, but have you ever thought of or fantasized about the holidays being different? My best guess others who are on your annual guest list have too. This zodiac animal is a thinker, thus making us overthink things rather than stepping into the spirit or feeling of the season. Don’t caught in his trap!

1/7 : January the beginning of the new year for us here in the west, is when we make resolutions. Well, January is ruled by the Ox. He is definitely a strong willed energy and can get the work done, but it’s a slow and steady kind of energy. This may be why so many of us give up by end-of-month on those good intentions. You might be better off making those declarations in February with the support of the assertive, focused and driven Tiger energy of that month. Go into February with a plan and the Tiger should assist you in staying on task—if the payoff is worth it. You really can go big!

I hope you’ll join me for my annual Chinese New Year event on January 25, 2020 (stay tuned for more details). We will be moving into the year of the Yang Metal Rat on February 4th, a year of new beginnings and opportunities to build a more solid foundation in many areas of our lives. Until then, this Yin Earth Pig year (2019) will keep encouraging us to let things go. This November being a Pig month in a Pig year will give us a super-boost to release and unload those things that have been holding us back. But, please be careful with self-affliction and over-indulgence.

Of course, each one of us has 4 of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals in our 4 Pillar Chinese astrology chart, and these monthly and annual animals influence us each differently. But if you pay attention, you will see the theme that is present in a universal kind of way. If you are interested in a 4 Pillar reading, feel free to reply to this email to get one scheduled. The information provided during the one and a half hour reading will empower you to embrace your strengths and weaknesses, prepare you for what’s ahead, and provide some feng shui tips you can implement immediately.

Be gentle during these times. Eliminate excess stress and resistance by honoring the energies that are present. Celebrate every day and love yourself without condition.