These current times, and decisions to protect our well being, are promoting stagnation. Life cannot thrive in this type of environment for long. Think of a pond that has no fresh water being fed to it by a moving stream or river? Would you drink from it to nourish your body? No, it has become toxic.
This is a reminder to keep positive life-force energy flowing within and about you. Don’t skip the produce aisle on your next visit to the grocery store, open your windows and doors to shift the temperature and vibe, clean up and throw away old things that are in your way, scatter post-it notes around your home with positive affirmations you can recite out loud, wave and smile at strangers, share positive messages in your social media and text messages, turn up the music and dance, and step outside into nature. Allow our Mother to nurture your body, mind, soul and spirit. All of these things shift and uplift the energy of a space and those who live in it.
Don’t let stagnation bring you down. You are a bringer of life! Give life back. Invite life in. Look forward to a brighter future! It’s coming—and you’re gonna want to be ready for it!