Two thousand seventeen, the year of new beginnings—new beginnings show up in the numerology of the year 2017, the 10th placement of the Rooster on the Chinese Zodiac wheel, and the #1 Flying Star having moved into the center of the home. Just like a newborn baby, so much of our new experience is an internal collaboration of natural efforts to discover more about ourselves and how we fit into this vast world. What feeds your body? How are your emotions measured and expressed? How do you balance your physical energy with rest and engaging with others? How will you expand your vision and perceptions of the world around you?
We’ve been through a lot this past year. Some of us have lost loved ones, said goodbye to friends who no longer fit into our life, have dealt with health concerns, engaged in heated debates, and sometimes felt like there was no hope.
This Rooster year is a much needed gift to ourselves. For it’s time for us to do the inner work we have been putting off. While the Rooster will entice you to engage in the bickering and fighting of the external world, his diligence and independent nature inspires us to focus on what’s truly important to each and every one of us—the survival and well-being of our Self.
As you become more confident in the work you are doing for your Self, you will discover your true inner voice. Be careful you don’t get too cocky…the insecurities of the Rooster can lead to false confidence.
When you do the inner work…you’ll know, with an authentic heart, who you are and how you will shine and brighten the world. Your enthusiastic declaration may be a grand celebration or a simple private moment in front of the mirror.
Some may choose to use this energy to strut about, trying to convince others they know better, while pecking at the little guy so they can get one leg up on the competition. Don’t engage. It’s an old energy that will struggle beyond even this year. Let them fight it out amongst themselves while you build your inner Self.
We are entering a time of clear duality. Many of us have been sitting on the fence waiting for things to settle down and neutralize. It’s time to get off the fence. The double Rooster, in the 4 Pillar chart for the year 2017, reminds us that every choice we make can be seen as “I’m in” or “I’m out.” When you make a stance, this sends a very clear message to the Universe, and to all your support systems, that you recognize what it is you don’t want, while focusing your energy on what you do want. Contrast brings clarity. So, instead of looking at it as opposition…it’s just simply a contrasting energy presenting itself so you can decide what is best for you, your family, your business, and your life.
If you choose to engage in drama, you’ll be heading into a battle of shadows. Get your head in the game and be smart! The Rooster has abundant force and potential to add a brilliant new spectrum of color to your life experiences. It’s time to get off the fence and be enthusiastic about what you want to create this year! The Rooster will bring confidence and assist us in expressing ourselves with authenticity and bravery. Find your compassionate voice and align with those who are wiser and desire fairness. Create new conversations that question and inspire where your heart and soul are calling you to be.