Okay, I admit it, I took this from a post my pilates instructor posted and made it my own. She is definitely one of those people whom have changed my life for the better…as have many others whom have shown up in my life. One is my Feng Shui Master Mary Shurtleff. I had no idea what I was getting into when I walked through her door. And when I tell my students who sit down in their seats that first morning of our training week, “There’s no going back after this!” they laugh and look at one another thinking I’m teasing. Then before the end of that intense 5 days of training, one of them will approach me and say “You weren’t kidding!”

Nope, I wasn’t — there are some things that just change you forever. And feng shui, whether a workshop experience, home consultation, 4 Pillar chart reading, or full-on certification training, is one of those gifts that just keeps on giving.

Feng Shui is way more than you think it is. It’s like having a life coach with an incredibly unique perspective into your world. If you don’t have a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner near you, many offer remote astrology readings and consultations – seek one out today!

Who have you met that has changed YOUR life for the better (share below in the comments)?