Okay, I have to be honest . . . I had to double check the element that is accompanying the Monkey coming in on August 7th.  Upon my confirmation, the first thing out of my mouth was, “Oh shit.”

Now don’t let this scare you. It should inform and empower you to be prepared and super aware of what might transpire around you so you don’t get caught up in places you shouldn’t be. 

The last significant presence of the Yang Fire Monkey was 2016. Remember?! Please tell me you remember, and that we’ve learned something from it (hint: one of the most unpredictable years in modern history). I started searching for an image to insert here and honestly it was too triggering. A saying I often heard that year—Year of the Yang Fire Monkey—was “NoT My CiRcUs – NoT mY MoNkEy’s!” 

Okay, so what do we do with this information? EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. 

Use lots of Water to cool and temper this energy . . . AND YOU. Water puts out Fire and weakens Metal. Why Metal? Because that’s the Monkey’s master element.  

Fire is all about change—and as a collective we have been asking for it. Monkey is about core tribal survival and instincts. It is smart, transformative, volatile, and egoic energy.

Also, be mindful of your breath, be still, meditate and think before your react to keep the fanning of the flames at a minimum.  

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If you have a Monkey in your chart, don’t be careless. You have a tendency to think you’re invincible. Chill out and be practical with healthy lifestyle choices — PLEASE. At least for this month.

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Perhaps today, right now, is a great time to set some intentions or create a mantra reminding you to be calm when things get to be too much. If you pray, include your family and community. Don’t be surprised if you see a theme of old family stuff bubbling up to the surface for your review and peaceful right action.

Be patient with those around you and call in the lighter side of this energy that wants to be curious and playful. We got this!


transformation, change, volatile, unpredictable, anxiety


light side:

enthusiastic, light-hearted, clever, social, adaptable

shadow side:

stubborn, immature, apathetic, opportunistic

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You can learn even more about the Monkey (below) in Erica’s 2021 Monkey forecast.