by tinafalk | May 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
According to Flying Stars Feng Shui, the #2 Black Illness Star flies into the Northwest (NW) during 2017. Meaning the NW area of your home, office, business, city, country, and so on. This star brings illness, stress, depression, discomfort, and disturbance. It will...
by tinafalk | Dec 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
Two thousand seventeen, the year of new beginnings—new beginnings show up in the numerology of the year 2017, the 10th placement of the Rooster on the Chinese Zodiac wheel, and the #1 Flying Star having moved into the center of the home. Just like a newborn baby, so...
by tinafalk | May 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
A Free 1-Hour Intro to Feng Shui Brought to You! I’m Tina Falk and I share a full range of Feng Shui services to bring more balance, peace and free flow of energy into your home and office space and into your life, in general. When first introduced to the US...
by tinafalk | Jan 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
Monkey See, Monkey Do Gosh, sounds a little familiar to the Sheep energy of last year. Sheep also like to follow, but the Sheep is more about conforming and doing what is best for the greater good, while the Monkey is all about doing his own thing in his own way. The...
by tinafalk | Oct 6, 2015 | Uncategorized
Stop putting your trust in other people. When you give it away like that, they can do whatever they want with it. Keep your trust for yourself. Then it doesn’t matter what anyone else does because you can trust that YOU can handle it… and all is fine....