Are You Coming or Going?

As a feng shui practitioner, what we’re often looking for is subliminal (below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it) indications of what’s truly going on in our homes. The photo on the left indicates this family has an active life outside of the home, but it also reveals something else worth addressing — are they all heading in the same direction? Are they on the same path? Meaning, as a family unit, living under the same roof, are they aligned with how they move forward, and are they doing it together? There are no right or wrong answers. It’s merely a matter of choice, right. But it’s worth paying attention to if the pile of shoes is just that of you and your spouse/partner. Or even if we were looking into your closet at a pile of your own shoes. Do you know where you are going? Is there confusion in your life path? Shoes are what aid us in moving forward in life. They bring height to elevate our presence, add tread for when we’re climbing that rocky terrain, or comfort that we can slip in and out of easily.


Perhaps making extra effort to align your shoes with the other pair next to yours
will shift how you align with that person.

What is your shoe pile saying about you?


Comment below and let me know. I’d love to hear. And if this prompts other questions for you
about feng shui, please drop me a note about that, too.I’d be happy to answer it in a future tip.