sFlying Stars is a layer of Feng Shui and is a very complex system. About 7 years ago I was determined to make it more practical. And, at one point in my career I actually set it aside completely. The methodology and application felt overwhelming when walking through it with my clients during home and business visits. But it’s just too important to deny. 

In a nutshell, this is the part of Classical Feng Shui that brought about the concept of “cures”. It also heightens awareness around the changes that occur that are out of our control. It’s a practice that informs us of impending shifts so we can be better prepared to mitigate or harness the gifts and lessons these shifts bring.

Traditionally, the Stars energies are seen as bad or good. The concept is that if we know where these stars have flown and land in our physical space, and in our natal Chinese astrology charts, then we can make better choices or place “cures”.

An example; one of the 9 Stars that moves about the feng shui compass is the 5 Black Earth Star of Instability. This is considered a serious star that brings about major instability. What does this mean? In 2019 the 5 Star flew into the Southwest mansion (or direction). This is the marriage corner. And may create instability within our partnerships both personally and professionally. Now traditionally this is a “bad” star, but we’ve come to understand that good comes from anything and everything if that’s our focus. So how to “cure” this star? 

  • Place a traditional salt water cure here to neutralize the energy, 
  • give more attention to your marriage, making sure that if any unstable shifts occur that you will be able to ride it out, 
  • or allow the instability to create a shift for you to create a new starting point, 
  • or place the Cure Cards from my annual Flying Stars Cures Kit
  • or for best results . . . do a combination of the above. 

The awareness of where certain Stars or energies are is incredibly insightful. In 2020, that same star flew into the East mansion (or direction). This is the Family and Ancestors sector. How many of us were impacted by this Star? Oh wait, let me count . . . THE WHOLE WORLD was presented with a great deal of instability.  Bringing on a global pandemic to really shake things up. Some lost family due to this virus and some lost family in this great political divide. We ALL have been confronted with core family uncertainty on many levels. Did you have your “cures” in place? And, do you believe . . . good comes from everything?

Now, some of the Stars are very auspicious. We want to enhance and give more attention to areas of our homes where these stars land. We can’t create a perfect feng shui home, but we can make the best of what we are given.

At the end of each year, I map out the annual Flying Stars for the next year. I tap in and begin creating beautiful and practical art cards to be placed in our physical space as a modern study and “adjustment” in the place of traditional “cures”. 

We can’t “cure” it all. But we can bring greater awareness and respect for this time and space in which we co-exist. 
Are you curious about where that 5 Star will be next year?! I’ll be sharing more in the release of my 2021 – Year of the Yin Metal Ox Flying Stars Cures Kit available in my Etsy shop on December 1st. Followed by the announcement of Via Feng Shui’s 2021 Annual Chinese New Year Event (a virtual gathering).



****An truly expansive look at Flying Stars would include creating a natal chart of your property and mapping out the 4 Stars that occupy each of the 9 sectors.